Stackable Commons Operator

Unlike most other operators on the Stackable Data Platform, the Stackable commons operator does not manage any particular Stacklet, but rather provides shared functionality and resource definitions that are used by the other operators.

Shared resources

The commons Kubernetes operator for the Stackable Data Platform provides and manages resources that are not tied to any particular data product, but usually shared among multiple products. These are the AuthenticationClass for configuring authentication mechanisms, and the S3Bucket and S3Connection for configuring S3 object storage. Usually all tools in a data platform that require authentication will be configured to use the same authentication mechanism, so the AuthenticationClass provides a single configuration point for authentication methods, which can then be referenced in multiple data products. Likewise, the S3 related objects provide single configuration points for S3 storage, which is then referenced in multiple products.

Because these objects are used throughout the whole platform, the documentation is also mostly found at the platform level. Read the authentication concepts page to learn about the AuthenticationClass and learn about S3 on the S3 resources page. You can also find the full CRD refererence documentation for all objects linked above.

Shared functionality

The commons operator implements functionality that is shared by all other Stackable operators. For example, it adds additional information to Pods which would otherwise have to be inferred and takes care of restarting Pods when necessary, for example to reload configuration settings in products that don’t support hot reloading.